Posted in self help, self improvement

Tips for emotional self care

By D blog beez

Self care is vital for every person .A proper self care maintains balance in our life.If you have so much work load or if you are just tired with home chores you need to look after yourself in order to keep your life well maintained. Practicing self care means understanding your physical, emotional and professional needs.Today i am going to discuss about emotional self care. Before going further you need to understand:

What is emotional self care?

Answer:The provision of what is necessary for identifying and nurturing your feelings, your conscious inner state, and your intellect. (Desert Alchemy)

Simply it means understanding your emotions, caring for them,what emotions you are feeling and what actually you need,some time moving on from emotions ,without neglecting your self or emotional honour, what actually not necessary and causing disturbances in your life.

Without proper self care you might feel so much overwhelmed and some time cursing yourself for stuck in situations caused by disturbing might wonder how such mess situation occurred!!! You feel such way as you don’t know how to solve the issues you are facing, what you are actually feeling and what you should do for yourself or how to manage responsibilities.

Then what you should do?

1.Learn to manage stress

If you are so much busy in your work,you are busy in taking care of others and forgetting yourself then you need to know how to reduce your stress.Its easily to get irretated or disturbed especially when you have lots of pressure.You have to follow relaxation techniques in order to relief from stress and increase your productivity.

Practice meditation which will calm yourself down and will help you to improve your Practice deep breathing especially when you are expressing your emotions. Write journal to track emotions and for better understanding of self.Practice waking up early in the morning,Do exercises it will be beneficial for you. When you are feeling so stress take a deep breath sit alone and evaluate what can be done to solve your problem.

2.Learn to say No.

Its crucial to learn to say No.Some time for not being able to say ‘no’ you will invite more pain to your misery.The mental discomfort, discontentment you feel after that,increases your stress.So why not say a humble no without being rude.Its healthy to say no.Some time you need to put yourself first before anyone else.

3.Find time for fun

To forget your work load and stress you need to spend some fun time alone , with your loved ones or with your friends.Doing things which gives you pleasure will decrease your stress level.It will make you feel more enthusiastic in your life.Go out with your friends,go for a movie with your loved ones or simply sit at your home enjoy reading a book ,listen music,dance or paint anything you prefer.

4.Practice Affirmations

Affirmations are really helpful if you want to improve your life and attract positivity. Point out what you want in your life.write them on a journal or on a paper and speak to yourself that you will going to achieve them can fulfill my goals,I can lose weight etc.This will create a disciplined lifestyle.

5.Create your boundaries

Some time its became very difficult to differentiate between your emotions and emotions thats comes from influenced by others problems, especially if you are a natural empath.By absorbing others emotions you start to get stressed .You forget to enjoy your life, just learn to let go and create boundaries so that nothing can affect your mood.give yourself more priority.

6.Eliminate toxic people

Its important to recognise who overwhelms you more in your bad times.Supportive people are really important in life.When you feel very depressed , some people supports you, encourages you and try to make you feel good.These people are really needed in your life.Sorround yourself with such people.Find out who discourages you and make you feel more burdened no matter how long they are with you or how intimate they are for you just stay away from them.They fill your mind with negativity rather than positive thoughts.Staying away from such people will help you to understand how much good possibilities out there for you.

Learning emotional self care will make your daily life better and easier.Giving time for self improvement is really necessary now days.I hope above steps will help you in your emotional self-care journey.

Thank you for reading

Posted in gratitude, life, MOTIVATION, self help

25 things to be grateful for in your life

by-D blog beez

“The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see.” – Mary Davis

“The more you are in a state of gratitude,the more you will attract things to be grateful for.”

Most of the time we take granted things that we possess now, instead focus on what are absent in our life. This kind of attitude make our life despondent.We need to Retrospect and be thankful for everything which is unnoticeable but crucial.

“Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you.” – Eileen Caddy

Here you will find 25 Pivotal things to feel grateful in life.

  • #1.Being alive-you should thankful that today you woke up from bed,your heart is beating,you are still breathing.Be grateful to God you got another Oppertunity to spend another day on this earth.Life has no guarantee,so everyday is a gift for you.
  • #2.You have Food to eat-There are many people who struggle to get their food everyday.They have not enough food to eat.They beg to get a piece of bread .Some time people starve to death.Be thankful that you have enough food to satisfy your hunger.
  • #3.You have books to read-Books are the best treasure and it has the greatest wisdom in it.Books have abilities to completely transform your life.Greatest holy books preaches to maintain peace and how to save humanity,show us way to make our life worth living.Be thankful to book from ages it’s spreading it’s wisdom.
  • #4.You have music to listen-There is a saying

“Where words fail, music speaks”.~Hans Christian Anderson.Music play an important role in life.It is not only source of entertainment but it has as power as therapy.Through music we express our emotions and feelings.We listen music to escape the pain,to soothe our soul,to relax ourselves.Be thankful for it.

  • #5 you have clothes-Our basic need is cloth.clothes gives us identity.We are human being not animals ,who struggle in cold and feel helpless.Cloth is our shield.Be thankful that you have enough clothes.
  • #6.You have made it this far-In the journey of life ,in this race just pause and look back,How you have struggled just to achieve what you have today.The lessons you learn,The hard work you did,the crisis you faced made the real “you” today.The more the diamond is cut the brighter it sparkles.Thankful for your efforts and hardwork.
  • #7.You have a smart phone-Smart phone became essential part of our life. Life became so easy now.One click and you can get news, information,can talk,chat,see people from all over the world.It feels like the world is inside Our phones.
  • #8.You have loving people-Your family,your friends,your loving partner,make your life worth living.They encourage you,make you loved,laugh,they are by your side whenever you need them.Life feels better.Be grateful to them
  • #9.You have a warm bed-A good Sleep is necessary for healthy human being.A warm cosy bed is needed to sleep on.Where beggars sleep on footpaths,Imagine their condition and be grateful.
  • #10.You have a shelter,-Home is the safest place for all no matter it is a human,animal or bird .It not only saves us from Heat,cold,rain but it is a place of security, gathering and sanctuary.we have good place to survive,where some are spending their life in very poor condition under tent houses in a slum.Are you not luckiest one?Be thankful for your home.
  • #11.You have right to freedom-without freedom life has no meaning.A life is not to stay under someone’s control,but to speak what you feel and express what ever inside you.Its not like those old days when some one stand for his or her rights or expressed his or her emotions that person must forced to mutilation.God!!We should thankful that time has changed we have our freedom.
  • #12.You have healthy body- If you are healthy,your mind will always calm and you will feel happy.A good health is wealth.So If you have healthy body be thankful for that.
  • #13.You are a human-a human became superior than other living beings.Because it has conscience, knowledge, language, intelligence, civilization.These things separate humans from animals. Be thankful for that.
  • #14.You have an internet connection –worldwide, Internet is necessary to share knowledge, thoughts and ideas or for communication.The world seems smaller as internet brought people together.Its became unavoidable part of our life.Thanks to internet.
  • #15.You have ability to buy things-You are self dependent.You no more ask parents money so that you can fulfill your needs.You should feel grateful that you can earn yourself and you have ability to buy things and also you can help others.
  • #16.You are living in a safe country-No word to explain it we all know. We can sleep peacefully at our homes only for the soldiers who are guarding all day all night in our country borders,We have Our own elected government who takes care our safeties, rights and needs. We are living in a safe country be grateful for it.
  • #17.You have senses- we can understand what is happening around us only because of our senses . If we lose one sense you can imagine how difficult it is to live. You should be grateful for it.
  • #18.You have science and Technology-Development is needed in every individual to every country in all sides. For overall development ,science and technology should grow equally.For any successful economy, especially in today’s quest for knowledge based economies, science, technology and engineering are the basic requirements. If nations do not improve science and technology, then chances to be called a developed country is become minimal and thus could be regarded as an undeveloped country. Science and Technology is related in all means with modernity and it is an important tool for speed development. Our life became easier, we can even cured from dangerous diseases only because of science and technology. Let’s be grateful for it.
  • #19.You are educated- without knowledge man is equals to an animal.we should thankful that we got opportunity to get education.A ignorant person has no meaningful life.“The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn …and change. (Carl Rogers)
  • #20.You have Green friends-when you plant a tree, you plant a life”. Trees are one of the greatest blessings for humans from mother earth. The most important thing one must remember is that trees do not need us,we need them.Trees are our best friends. They are the friends who always give us everything without expecting a single thing from us. Before humans,Trees have inherited this earth, humans eventually forget this fact. They fail to identify their importance and continue to exploit them endlessly for their benefits.We can breathe or we are still alive because of them only. They also have life, but pitty is they can’t see or speak or move. The earth is not only ours but also of plants.We should respect it and grateful to this friend. Let’s Plant more trees.
  • #21.You have electricity- Have you ever imagined life without electricity? All our comfort,works and daily life depends on electricity. phone,Ac, lights, and technology everything is useless without it. We would feel like cavemen. Horrible !!! Be grateful to electricity.
  • #22.For Animals:“Animals are our companions, our workers, our eyes and ears, and our food”~anonymous. They are seen in ancient cave paintings, and on modern farms. We are able to domesticated some of them, some are remain wild.By our carelessness activities they are endangered now. Planet is not only ours it is also of trees and animals.But we have occupied mostly.Now their safety depends on us.spending time with animals can bring you peace of mind.we depend on them for food and for many more things.Our pets can change our mood completely.They are just cute creatures need our kindness, love,care and adequate food. Grateful to them and don’t forget to help them.
  • #23.You have fresh Water to drink: water is synonymous with life.We have enough water to survive like doing daily chores,for drinking etc.How can we live without water.Be grateful to water
  • #24.For Love and Kindness: love and kindness bestowed by God to humans. We have these two most powerful things which help us to maintain harmony. so its needed to be spread.You should be grateful for it.
  • #25 . You have a job: appreciate that you have a job .You are earning. People are Striving to get one.Many jobless people are so burdened they are committing suicide.
“We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.” – Cynthia Ozick

Appreciate every simple thing that you have in your life.Some time we forget the importance or value of small things, present in our lives. every simple thing has greatest impact on our life. Gratitude will always help you to detect them and improve the quality of your daily life.

If you have some other suggestions that can help to feel grateful in life,just comment below, we would love to add it in our gratitude list.

Thank you!!!